Add Time Calculator

This Add Time Calculator adds up an arbitrary number of time intervals expressed in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. You can click the “+” symbol on the right-hand side to add another time interval, or the “” symbol to delete the redundant one.






Total Time 


How to Add Times Together

The need for time addition arises in various situations of our daily life. For example, sometimes it is necessary to determine the total time spent by workers on certain types of work in a factory. Or, it is important to know the total time it takes for employees to commute to and from work in order to determine the benefits of remote work for office workers.

The addition of time intervals does not seem difficult if we remember that 1 minute consists of 60 seconds, 1 hour consists of 60 minutes, and 1 day consists of 24 hours.

Example of Time Addition

Consider an example of adding two time intervals: 2 hours 45 minutes 50 seconds and 3 hours 20 minutes 37 seconds.

It is most convenient to start adding with seconds. Adding seconds, we get the result: 50 + 37 = 87. Since 60 seconds is a minute, it is obvious that 87 seconds equals 1 minute and 27 seconds. It is clear that in the resulting time the number of seconds will be equal to 27. But the minute arising from adding the seconds will be taken into account when adding the minutes.

Next, we add the minutes: 45 + 20 = 65. And adding to this result the minute obtained by adding the seconds, we get 66 minutes as a result. Since 60 minutes equals an hour, it is obvious that 66 minutes equals 1 hour and 6 minutes. In the resulting time, the number of minutes will be equal to 6. And the hour arising from adding the minutes will be taken into account when adding the hours.

And finally, we add up the hours: 2 + 3 = 5. Adding to this result the hour obtained by adding the minutes, we get 6 hours as a result.

Thus we get the total time: 6 hours 6 minutes and 27 seconds.

Time Addition Algorithm

To add together multiple times or time intervals, you can use the following simple algorithm.

1) We start by sequentially adding up the seconds of all the given time intervals. Then we divide the found sum by 60 (the number of seconds in a minute). We leave the remainder of this division as the number of seconds in the total sum of time intervals. Then we add the quotient of this division to the minutes of the initially specified time intervals.

2) We repeat the previous step, sequentially adding up the minutes of all the given time intervals. To this sum we also add the minutes that may have occurred when adding up the seconds. The quotient of division of this sum by 60 (the number of minutes in an hour) we add to the hours of the given time intervals, and the remainder of this division we leave as the number of minutes in the total sum of time intervals.

3) We repeat the previous step, sequentially adding up the hours of all the given time intervals. To this sum we also add the hours that may have occurred when adding up the minutes. Then we divide the found sum by 24 (the number of hours in a day). The remainder of this division we leave as the number of hours in the total sum of times. The quotient of this division we add to the days of the given time intervals.

4) And, finally, we sequentially add up the days of all the given time intervals, and also add to this sum of days those days that may have occurred when adding up the hours.

Implementing the above algorithm manually is not a very difficult task, but can be very time-consuming. This is why our Add Time Calculator is indispensable, especially for large amounts of calculations.

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