Number to Words Converter

This online Number to Words Converter represents an entered number in a word form in English language. The input number along with numerals may include space or comma delimiters. For numbers above a million, the result can be presented in American or British system. There is option to select letter case for the word output.

Input number
System: American   British

Case: Lower   Upper   Proper  

Output words

Convert Numbers Into Words

Sometimes we come across cases when we need to read or write a number. In the case of a short number, this is usually not a problem. But what if the number is large and you fill out a check? Any mistake can be costly. And then the best option would be to use our numbers to words converter.

This online number to words converter can deal with extremely big numbers – up to 1067 – 1 !!! You can type or copy and paste into the input field a whole number in numeral form which may contain spaces or commas as delimiters.

The output word form of the number can be represented according to American or British system of English numerals. The difference between them refers to numbers over a million.

• The American system or the short scale is a system of numeric names in which a thousand million is called a billion, and the word milliard is not used.

• The British system or the long scale is a system of numeric names in which a thousand million is called a milliard, and billion is used for a million million. This system is still used in several other European languages.

The output words can be represented in any of the three letter case formats: lower case, UPPER CASE or Proper Case.

When It Might Be Needed?

Writing a check is the most common situation where you need to write the amount in words. This helps prevent confusion and fraud, because the amount written in words is much harder to forge.

In most serious payment documents, it is necessary to duplicate numerical values with their word form. Figures written in words are much more difficult to fake than those written in numbers. Some scammer might try to make 800 out of 300, while it is almost impossible to discreetly replace “three” with “eight”.

Many writing styles require numbers to be written in words if they appear at the beginning of a sentence. For example, in the middle of this sentence is the number “94”, so it can be written in numbers. “Ninety-four” is at the beginning of this sentence, so it must be written in words.

There are cases when you mention in your text a very large number (such as found in science) and want to impress your reader, who may not be able to read this number himself. For example, to tell the reader that the distance from Earth to Mars is 109,390,000 km will be more effective if you write this number in words: One Hundred Nine Million Three Hundred And Ninety Thousand kilometers.

Finally, another area is education. An important part of teaching your children counting and math is teaching them to read numbers aloud. Converting numbers to word form will be indispensable for this.

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