Least Common Denominator Calculator

This online Least Common Denominator Calculator (or LCD calculator) finds the least common denominator of fractions and integers. Enter the set of numbers in the input field of the calculator and click the ‘Calculate’ button. You can paste the input data copied from a spreadsheet or csv-file or enter manually using comma, space or enter as separators. You can choose the separator type to be used in the output set of rewritten with the least common denominator fractions (comma or space). Note, that all the fractions should be presented in the form integer1/integer2 with no spaces in between. In case of mixed numbers (mixed fractions) they should be expressed in the form of improper fractions.

Fractional Numbers


Separator: Comma   Space

Rewritten Fractions

Least Common Denominator

In mathematics, the least common denominator or the lowest common denominator (LCD) is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. Finding the LCD is important because all fractions need to have the same denominator when you are doing addition, subtraction or comparing operations with them.

In this Least Common Denominator Calculator we find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the denominators using the same algorithm as in our Least Common Multiple Calculator. This number is the same as the least common denominator. Then all the input numbers (fractions) are rewritten using this LCD or, as they say, are reduced to a common denominator. Mixed numbers (mixed fractions) and integers are expressed in the form of improper fractions.

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