Lean Body Mass Calculator

This Lean Body Mass Calculator gives an estimate of a person’s lean body mass (LBM) based on their height, weight and gender. Estimated LBM and body fat percentages are also provided. To calculate the LBM choose appropriate measurement units and specify the height and the weight either using the sliders or inserting the data in the calculator fields. Then specify the gender and the formula to be used to perform the calculations.

Units: Metric   Imperial

Height (cm):
Weight (kg):
Male   Female

LBM (kg):

Lean Body Mass Formula

Lean body mass (LBM) is a component of body composition that is defined as the difference between the total body weight and the body fat weight. The percentage of total body mass that is lean is usually not computed, on average it ranges between 60-90%. Instead, the body fat percentage, which is its complement, is computed, and is typically 10–40%. Men usually have a higher proportion of LBM than women do.

The lean body mass is useful for prescribing proper levels of medications and for assessing metabolic disorders, as body fat is less relevant to metabolism. LBM is also used by anesthesiologists to dose certain medications.

A number of formulas are been used for calculating estimated LBM. Calculation results for each formula vary because each one is typically used for different medical purposes (e.g. CT scans, administering medications, etc).

In our online LBM calculator we use the following formulas:

Boer Formula
LBM = (0.252 × W) + (0.473 × H) − 48.3, for women
LBM = (0.407 × W) + (0.267 × H) − 19.2, for men

James Formula
LBM = 1.07× W – 148 × (W/H)2, for women
LBM = 1.1 × W – 128 × (W/H)2, for men

Hume Formula
LBM = (0.29569 × W) + (0.41813 × H) − 43.2933, for women
LBM = (0.32810 × W) + (0.33929 × H) − 29.5336, for men

Peters Formula (Used for children aged under 13-14 years old)
ECV (extracellular volume) = 0.0215 × W0.6469 × H0.7236
LBM = 3.8 × ECV

where W is body weight in kilograms and H is body height in centimetres.

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Disclaimer. Please remember that this calculator is only one of many ways to assess your lean body mass. In case of any concerns about your health or physical fitness, please consult your physician to address your specific situation.