Equivalent Fractions Calculator

This online Equivalent Fractions Calculator finds fractions that are equivalent to a given fraction. You can check proper and improper fractions, as well as mixed numbers (mixed fractions), both positive and negative. The numerator and denominator in a fraction are separated by the slash symbol (/). It is important to leave space between the whole number and the fraction part of a mixed number. In case of a negative number, the minus sign (-) precedes the fraction or the whole number in a mixed fraction without space between them. Clicking the ‘Calculate’ button, you will get 10 equivalent fractions. Using ◄ or ► buttons, you can get 10 previous or 10 next equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions

What are Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions are defined as fractions with different numerators and denominators that represent the same part of a whole. Indeed, multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non-zero number gives a fraction that is equivalent to the original fraction.

Take for example the fraction 2/3. It means two thirds of something. But if we divide additionally each third of the whole by 2, then we get that the whole is now divided into 6 parts, and not into 3. Then the previously taken 2 parts of the 3 that made up the whole will turn into 4 parts of the 6 parts, into which the whole is divided now. So, we will get the fraction 4/6 which obviously equivalent to 2/3 = (2×2)/(2×3) = 4/6.

On the other hand, if we take the fraction 6/8, then it means that we are dealing with 6 parts out of 8 into which the whole is divided. If now we consider each pair of these parts as a single object, then it turns out that the whole is divided into 4 such objects (new parts) and we took 3 of these 4 objects. That is, we got the fraction 3/4, which is obviously equivalent to the original fraction 6/8 = (6:2) / (8:2) = 3/4.

As we can see from above examples, we can multiply or divide both the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same whole number. And since you are not changing the value of the fraction by doing this, you will create an equivalent fraction.

Examples of Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions of 1 4 – 1/4, 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 6/24, 7/28, 8/32, 9/36, 10/40.
Equivalent fractions of 2 5 – 2/5, 4/10, 6/15, 8/20, 10/25, 12/30, 14/35, 16/40, 18/45, 20/50.

Our Equivalent Fractions Calculator finds equivalent fractions for proper and improper fractions, and also for mixed numbers, both positive and negative. For mixed numbers, our calculator first converts them into improper fraction and all equivalent fractions are presented in the form of improper fractions.

In case the initial fraction can be simplified, our calculator first simplifies it, using the same algorithm as in our Simplify Fraction Calculator, and then finds equivalent fractions for the simplified fraction.

Our calculator returns the first 10 equivalent fractions found. Using the corresponding control buttons, you can display the next or previous ten results.

Below are the results of several calculations:

3 2/7 = 23/7, 46/14, 69/21, 92/28, 115/35, 138/42, 161/49, 184/56, 207/63, 230/70

22/8 = 11/4, 22/8, 33/12, 44/16, 55/20, 66/24, 77/28, 88/32, 99/36, 110/40

-9/15 = -3/5, -6/10, -9/15, -12/20, -15/25, -18/30, -21/35, -24/40, -27/45, -30/50

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