Area Conversion Calculator

Select the appropriate area unit options and then enter your figure into any field of the Area Converter and get the converted value.


Area conversion

Metric area measurements are based on the meter, and the main area unit is the Hectare which equals to 10000 square meters.

In the Imperial System the area measurements are mostly square versions of their linear counterparts except for the acre which is an area of length of 1 furlong and a width of 1 chain. The Old English word “acre” means field and it was generally considered the area that could be plowed in a day using a yoke or oxen. There are 640 acres in a square mile.

Example 1: Convert 1 acre to square feet

First, select the appropriate units in the left and right parts of the calculator – “Acre” and “Square foot”. Then just type 1 in the “Acre” field. The value in square feet (approx. 43560) will automatically pop up in the “Square foot” field.

Example 2: Convert square feet to acres

Do exactly the same like in previous example, just type some value in the “Square foot” field. The appropriate value in acres will automatically pop up in the “Acre” field.