Simplifying Radical Expressions Calculator

This online Simplifying Radical Expressions Calculator finds a simplified form of the given radical expression of the general form a⋅ⁿ√b. The radicand is to be an integer number between 2 and 2⁵³ – 1 = 9007199254740991. Enter the values of the radicand b and index n (factor a is optional) in the input fields of the calculator and click the ‘Calculate’ button to get the result.



Simplified Radical Expression

Simplifying Radicals

In mathematics, simplifying radical expressions means representation of the expression in the reduced or simplified form. The radical expression is said to be in the simplest form if the radicand does not contain any factor that is an integer to the power of the index.

For example, √13 can not be further simplified, because the factors of 13 are 1 and 13, and there are no perfect square factors. But the expression √48 can be represented as √16*3 = √42*3 and further simplified to the form 4√3.

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