BSA Calculator

Body Surface Area Calculator gives an estimation of the total surface area of a human body based on the human height, weight and gender. To calculate the BSA value choose appropriate measurement units and specify the height and weight either using the sliders or inserting the data in the BSA calculator fields. Then specify the gender and choose the formula, according to which the calculations will be performed.

Units: Metric   Imperial
Height (cm):

Weight (kg):

Male   Female

BSA (m²):

Calculate Your Body Surface Area

Body surface area (or BSA for short) is often used in clinical purposes over body weight because it is a better indicator of metabolic mass (fat-free mass) than body weight. For example, BSA is used for determining of cardiac index that gives a better approximation of the effective cardiac output. In chemotherapy it is often used for dosage determining. Glucocorticoid dosing is also expressed in terms of BSA for calculating maintenance doses.

The concept of body surface area provides crucial information about the distribution and amount of a person’s body tissue. This information can greatly impact how medications are absorbed and distributed, as well as the individual’s ability to regulate heat loss and fluid balance.

In the realm of fitness, body surface area plays an important role in determining energy expenditure, fluid requirements, and nutritional needs. By having an accurate understanding of their BSA, fitness enthusiasts can better track their progress and set achievable goals for themselves.

In short, knowing a person’s body surface area is a valuable tool that can greatly impact both their health and fitness journey. Whether it’s used to track progress, determine appropriate dosages, or make informed decisions, it’s an important factor to consider.

BSA Calculation Formulas

Various formulas have been proposed for estimation of the BSA without direct measurement. In our Body Surface Area Calculator we use a few most popular of them. The most widely used is the Du Bois formula, which is known to be effective in estimating body fat in obese and non-obese patients.

In the following formulas used in our calculator, BSA is in m2, W is weight in kg, and H is height in cm.

Du Bois formula: BSA = 0.007184 × W0.425 × H0.725

Mosteller formula: BSA = 0.016667 × W0.5 × H0.5

Haycock formula: BSA = 0.024265 × W0.5378 × H0.3964

Gehan and George formula: BSA = 0.0235 × W0.51456 × H0.42246

Boyd formula: BSA = 0.03330 × W(0.6157 – 0.0188 × log10(W)) × H0.3

Fujimoto formula: BSA = 0.008883 × W0.444 × H0.663

Takahira formula: BSA = 0.007241 × W0.425 × H0.725

Shuter and Aslani formula: BSA = 0.00949 × W0.441 × H0.655

Schlich formula: Women BSA = 0.000975482 × W0.46 × H1.08, Men BSA = 0.000579479 × W0.38 × H1.24

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Check out our other health calculators such as Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator or Body Fat Calculator.

Disclaimer. Please remember that this BSA calculator provides only a best guess and should be used as a guide only. In case of any concerns about your health, please consult your physician to address your specific situation.