Linear Interpolation Calculator

This online Linear Interpolation Calculator allows you to find the coordinates of an arbitrary point lying on a straight line connecting two known points in the plane. You have to specify the coordinates of the two known points and x- or y- coordinate of the point of interest. After clicking the ‘Calculate’ button you will get the second coordinate of the point of interest as well as the interpolation line parameters.

y = ax + b

Precision: decimal places



Linear Interpolation Formula

Interpolation is a method for estimating the value of a function between any two known values. Linear interpolation assumes that there is a linear relationship between the coordinates of points in the interval between two known points. In the case of a two-dimensional plane, this dependence is expressed by the following formula:

$$y = ax + b,$$

where \(a\) and \(b\) are constants.
Linear Interpolation

For a value \(x\) within the interval \((x_{1},x_{3})\), the value \(y\) of a point that lays on a straight line passing through the points \((x_{1},y_{1})\) and \((x_{3},y_{3})\) can be found from the equation of slopes:

$${\frac {y-y_{1}}{x-x_{1}}}={\frac {y_{3}-y_{1}}{x_{3}-x_{1}}},$$

which can be derived geometrically from the figure.

Solving this equation for \(y\) we can get:

$$y=y_{1}+(x-x_{1}){\frac {y_{3}-y_{1}}{x_{3}-x_{1}}},$$

which is the formula for linear interpolation in the interval \((x_{3},x_{1})\). It is important to note that the value \(x\) can also be chosen outside this interval. In this case we get a similar formula that can be used for linear extrapolation. So our linear interpolation calculator that uses this formula can also be used as a linear extrapolation calculator.

Comparing this formula with the above general formula for a linear function, we can easily find expressions for the parameters of this function:

$$a = \frac {y_{3}-y_{1}}{x_{3}-x_{1}},$$

$$b = y_{1}-x_{1}{\frac {y_{3}-y_{1}}{x_{3}-x_{1}}}.$$

Linear interpolation is useful while searching for a value between given data points. But it is important to remember that linear interpolation is not accurate for non-linear data. If the points in the dataset vary in a highly non-linear fashion, then linear interpolation may give poor estimates. In this case, the accuracy of estimates can be increased by reducing the intervals between known points.

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