Kinetic Energy Calculator

This all-in-one online Kinetic Energy Calculator performs calculations using the formula that relates the linear velocity of an object and its mass to the kinetic energy of that object. You can enter the values of any two known parameters in the input fields of this calculator and find the missing parameter.


Kinetic Energy Formula

Kinetic energy is a form of mechanical energy that an object possesses due to its motion. It is a measure of the work done by the object.

If a force is applied to an object that accelerates its movement, then it does work that turns into the kinetic energy of this object. Conversely, when an object slows down due to a decreasing speed, the object does work against the braking force applied to it, expending its kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is a property of a moving object and depends not only on the speed of its movement, but also on its mass. In translational motion (or movement along a path from one place to another), the kinetic energy is expressed by the formula:

$$E_k = \frac{m v^2}{2},$$


\(E_k\)   is the kinetic energy of the object,
\(m\)   is the mass of the object,
\(v\)   is the velocity of the object.

This formula is valid only for relatively low velocities. When an object approaches the speed of light (∼ 3 × 108 meters per second), its mass increases, and the laws of the special theory of relativity must be used to calculate kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity with dimension M·L2·T−2. The SI unit of energy is the joule (J). One joule is defined as the work produced by a force of one newton when an object is moved a distance of one meter. In terms of SI base units we have:

$$1\ J = 1\ \frac{kg\cdot m^2}{s^2}.$$

The other most common units of energy, also used in our Kinetic Energy Calculator, are:

• 1 kJ = 1000 J
• 1 Wh = 3600 J
• 1 kWh = 3600 kJ
• 1 kcal = 4184 J

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