Decimal to Time Calculator

This online Decimal to Time Calculator is a handy tool to convert time in decimal form (days, hours, minutes, or seconds) to the standard clock time (24-hour time format). Simply enter the decimal you want to convert in the input field and choose the appropriate time unit, and the program will calculate for you its clock time representation.


Time: ::

How to Convert Decimal to Time

Time is traditionally expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. However, in many practical applications, mathematical calculations use the decimal representation of time. For example, 3.5 hours or 1.24 minutes.

Therefore, it often becomes necessary to convert time from the decimal form to the standard 24-hour clock time format (or HH:MM:SS time format). That is the purpose of this calculator, which uses the following conversion algorithms.

Converting Decimal Seconds to Time Format

As we know, 1 minute consists of 60 seconds, and 1 hour consists of 60 minutes or 3600 seconds. Given this, it is not difficult to obtain the following formulas relating the decimal time in seconds to the time in the usual format:

hrs = seconds / 3600 ⌋,

min = (seconds – (hrs · 3600)) / 60 ⌋,

sec = seconds – (min · 60) – (hrs · 3600) ⌋,

where seconds is the input value rounded to whole seconds; hrs, min, and sec are hours, minutes, and seconds in standard 24-hour clock time format respectively (in HH:MM:SS time format), and ⌊ ⌋ denotes the floor function.

Example. Convert 1590 decimal seconds to standard time.

• Dividing 1590 by 3600 we see that the integer part of the result is zero. This gives us HH = 00.
• Then, using the second formula, and taking into account the previously found result for hours, we divide 1590 by 60 and get 26.5. Taking the integer part of this number, we get MM = 26.
• And finally, using the third formula, we get: SS = 1590 – 26 * 60 = 30.
So, as a result, we have: 00:26:30.

Converting Decimal Minutes to Time Format

To convert decimal minutes to HH:MM:SS time format, we first convert the minutes to seconds by multiplying by 60 and rounding the result to whole seconds. Then we use the above formulas to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds according to the format HH:MM:SS.

Example. Convert 133.75 decimal minutes to standard time.

• First convert the minutes to seconds: 133.75 * 60 = 8025 seconds.
• Dividing 8025 by 3600 we have 2.2292. Now we see that the integer part of the result equals to 2. This gives us HH = 02.
• Then, using the second formula, we have to calculate (8025 – 2*3600)/60 which gives us 13.75. Taking the integer part of this number, we get MM = 13.
• And finally, using the third formula, we get: SS = 8025 – 13*60 – 2*3600 = 45.
So, as a result, we have: 02:13:45.

Converting Decimal Hours to Time Format

To convert decimal hours to HH:MM:SS time format, we first convert the hours to seconds by multiplying by 3600 and rounding the result to whole seconds. Then we use the above formulas to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds according to the format HH:MM:SS.

Example. Convert 2.3456 decimal hours to standard time.

• First convert the hours to seconds: 2.3456 * 3600 = 8444.16 seconds. After rounding down we have 8444 seconds.
• Dividing 8444 by 3600 we have 2.3456. Now we see that the integer part of the result equals to 2. This gives us HH = 02.
• Then, using the second formula, we have to calculate (8444 – 2*3600)/60 which gives us 20.7333. Taking the integer part of this number, we get MM = 20.
• And finally, using the third formula, we get: SS = 8444 – 20*60 – 2*3600 = 44.
So, as a result, we have: 02:20:44.

Converting Decimal Days to Time Format

To convert decimal days to HH:MM:SS time format, we first convert the days to seconds by multiplying by 86400 (the number of seconds in 24 hours) and rounding the result to whole seconds. Then we use the above formulas to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds according to the format HH:MM:SS.

Example. Convert 1.27853 decimal days to standard time.

• First convert the days to seconds: 1.27853 * 86400 = 110464.992 seconds. After rounding up we have 110465 seconds.
• Dividing 110465 by 3600 we have 30.6847. Now we see that the integer part of the result equals to 30. This gives us HH = 30.
• Then, using the second formula, we have to calculate (110465 – 30*3600)/60 which gives us 41.0833. Taking the integer part of this number, we get MM = 41.
• And finally, using the third formula, we get: SS = 110465 – 41*60 – 30*3600 = 5.
So, as a result, we have: 30:41:05.

As you can see all these calculations are not complicated, but it is easy to get confused, and they take time especially with a large amount of calculations. With our Decimal to Time Calculator, you can perform all these calculations in the blink of an eye and with high accuracy.

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