Comparing Fractions Calculator

This online Comparing Fractions Calculator is a free online calculator for comparing fractions. It allows to compare decimal fractions, mixed fractions (mixed numbers), improper fractions or whole numbers both positive and negative. The numerator and denominator in a fraction are separated by slash symbol (/). It is important to leave space between the whole number and the fraction part of a mixed number. In case of a negative number the minus sign (-) precedes the fraction or the whole number in a mixed fraction without space between them.

Fraction 1:
Fraction 2:

Fraction comparison

To perform comparison of two numbers (fractions) our Comparing Fractions Calculator transforms the fractions to proper (simple) or improper fractions. Such a fraction can be expressed in the form: \(A/B\). In case of a whole number \(B=1\).

Then, to compare two fractions \(A/B\) and \(C/D\) one must first turn their different denominators into the same denominators. It can be done by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. Or simply by checking the sign of the difference of the two fractions according to the following formula:

$$\frac { A }{ B } -\frac { C }{ D } =\frac { AD-BC }{ BD }.$$

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