Words to Numbers Converter

This online Words to Numbers Converter allows to convert a number written in English words to it’s numeric form. For numbers above a million, the input text can be presented in American or British system.

Input words
System: American   British
Output number

Convert words into numbers

Sometimes we read a number written in the word form and do not understand it. This usually happens with large numbers. In this case the best option would be to use our words into numbers converter.

This online converter can deal with extremely big numbers – up to 1043 – 1 !!! You can type or copy and paste into the input field a whole number in the word form which may contain the word ‘and’ before tens or units.

The input word form of the number can be presented according to American or British system of English numerals. The difference between them refers to numbers over a million.

• The American system or the short scale is a system of numeric names in which a thousand million is called a billion, and the word milliard is not used.

• The British system or the long scale is a system of numeric names in which a thousand million is called a milliard, and billion is used for a million million. This system is still used in several other European languages.

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