Date & Time Calculators

This Add Time Calculator adds up an arbitrary number of time intervals expressed in days, hours, minutes and seconds.

This online Average Time Calculator finds the average of multiple time intervals expressed in hours, minutes and seconds.

This all-in-one Business Days Calculator computes the number of business days between two dates of Gregorian calendar. It can be used also to find out what day will it be after (or was before) a specific number of working days.

This chronological age calculator finds a person’s age or interval between two dates of Gregorian calendar.

The day counter calculator (or days between dates calculator) computes the number of days between two dates of Gregorian calendar or the date separated by a certain number of days from a given date.

This online day of the week calculator finds the day of the week from the known date, using the Gregorian calendar.

This day of the year calculator is used to calculate the ordinal day number of the year from the date entered by user.

This online Decimal to Time Calculator is a handy tool to convert time in decimal form (days, hours, minutes, or seconds) to the standard clock time (24-hour time format).

This online military time converter is a handy tool to convert standard time (12 hour time format) to the military time (24 hour time format) and vice versa.

This online Random Date Generator allows you to generate a user-specified number of random dates within a user-defined date interval.

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