Percentage Calculators

This online calculator performs calculation of the average of a number of percentages both in case when all the percentages correspond to samples of the same size and when the sample sizes are different.

This online Decimal to Percent Calculator converts a decimal numeral to a percentage.

This online Fraction to Percent Calculator converts a fraction (proper, improper or mixed number) to a percentage.

This all-in-one percent error calculator computes any of three parameters in the percent error calculation formula given the two other parameters.

This online Percent to Decimal Calculator converts a percentage to a decimal numeral.

This online Percent to Fraction Calculator converts a positive decimal number to a fraction. In case of the improper fraction the result is also presented as a mixed number.

This all-in-one basic percentage calculator computes any of three parameters in the percent calculation formula given the two other parameters.

This online Percentage Difference Calculator finds the percent difference between two positive numbers.

This all-in-one basic percentage increase / decrease calculator computes any of three parameters in the percent calculation formula given the two other parameters.

This all-in-one percentage of a percentage calculator (or compound percentage calculator) is used to calculate the compound percentage of two known percentages, or any partial percentage in case the second partial percentage and the compound percentage are known.