Fraction To Decimal Converter

This online Fraction To Decimal Converter converts a fraction (proper, improper or mixed number) to a decimal number (terminating or repeating decimal). The numerator and the denominator of a fraction are separated by the slash symbol (/) with no spaces in between. It is important to leave space between the whole number and the fraction part of a mixed number.


How to Convert Fractions to Decimals

A fraction is made up of two parts: a numerator (the number above the line) and a denominator (the number below the line). It is used to represent how many parts we have out of the total number of parts of something.

The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and the denominator represents division and can be rewritten using the division symbol.

So, to convert a fraction to a decimal, we have to divide the numerator by the denominator. We can use a calculator to do this. But a more convenient way is to use our Fraction To Decimal Converter, especially in case of a mixed number.

The general algorithm of conversion is as follows:
1) If the fraction is a mixed number, change it to an improper fraction.
2) Then divide the numerator by the denominator.
3) If the division doesn’t come out evenly, round the decimal off.


1 4/5 as a decimal is (5+4) ÷ 5 = 1.8

75/100 as a decimal is 75 ÷100 = 0.75

3/6 as a decimal is 3 ÷ 6 = 0.5

35/5 as a decimal is 35 ÷ 5 = 7

Converting in Real Life

Converting between fractions and decimals can be used in real life when measuring out quantities, like in cooking, for example.

Usually we can see fractionally how much of an ingredient is to be taken from a pack. However, electronic scales measure weight in decimals. So, converting between fractions and decimals is a useful skill that can help you in the kitchen.

What Are Repeating Decimals

It is well known from mathematics that any rational number (a fraction in our case) can be written as either a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal. You just need to divide the numerator by the denominator. If you end up with a remainder of zero, then you have a terminating decimal. Otherwise, the remainders will begin to repeat after some point, and you have a repeating decimal.

A repeating decimal, also called a recurring decimal, is a number whose decimal representation eventually becomes periodic. The repeating part of a decimal expansion, the repetend, is denoted using several notational conventions, in our fraction to decimal calculator it is enclosed in parentheses, for example:

7 / 12 = 0.583333333333… = 0.58(3),

1 / 7 = 0.142857142857… = 0.(142857).

There is no limitation on the length of the resultant decimal, for this we use arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.

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Check out our other math calculators such as Decimal To Fraction Converter or Mixed Fractions Calculator.