Length Conversion Calculator

Select the appropriate length unit options and then enter your figure into any field of the Length Converter and get the converted value.


Length conversion

There are two main unit systems for measuring distances, the Imperial System of Measurement and the Metric System of Measurement.

Most countries use the Metric System, which uses the meter as the basic unit for length measuring. The prefixes like kilo, milli and centi are used to count orders of magnitude of lengths.

The Imperial System is also called The British Imperial because it came from the British Empire. According to acting UK law each imperial unit is defined in terms of its metric equivalent. The metric system nowadays is in official use within the UK for most applications. But the use of imperial units is nevertheless widespread amongst the public, so it is important to know what are inch, foot or yard and how to convert these units to Metric System and vise versa.

Example 1: Convert 24 inches to cm

First, select the appropriate units in the left and right parts of the calculator – “Inch” and “Centimeter”. Then just type 24 in the “Inch” field. The value in centimeters (60.96) will automatically pop up in the “Centimeter” field.

Example 2: Convert 54 cm to inches

Do exactly the same like in previous example, just type 54 in the “Centimeter” field. The value in inches (approx. 21.26) will automatically pop up in the “Inch” field.