Mole Fraction Calculator

This all-in-one online Mole Fraction Calculator displays the mole fraction for the given chemical component in a solution. You can enter the values of two known parameters in the input fields of this calculator and find the missing parameters.

Solute (mol):

Solvent (mol):

Solution (mol):

Mole fraction:

How to find the mole fraction

In chemistry, the mole fraction or molar fraction is defined as amount of a chemical component (expressed in moles), divided by the total amount of all components in a mixture or solution (also expressed in moles). The mole fraction formula for the case of a solute in a solvent is as follows: \(\)

$$Mole\, Fraction=\frac{Moles\, of\, Solute}{Moles\, of\, Solution},$$

$$Moles\, of\, Solution=Moles\, of\, Solute+Moles\, of\, Solvent.$$

It is worth noting that the sum of the molar fractions of all components in the solution should be equal to 1.

Any mole fraction calculations can be easily done with our versatile calculator which uses the above equation for mole fraction.

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