Percentage of a Percentage Calculator

Percentage of a Percentage Calculator (or Compound Percentage Calculator) is used to calculate the compound percentage of two known percentages, or any partial percentage in case the second partial percentage and the compound percentage are known. Enter the value of any two known percentages in the fields of this online calculator and calculate the missing one.

Precision: decimal places

First %:
Second %:
Compound %:

Percentage of a percentage formula

When determining a percentage of a percentage of a value people often make a common mistake. They add the partial percentages instead of multiplying them. This online Percentage of a Percentage Calculator performs all the necessary calculations the right way. It not only helps you to find the compound percentage but also any partial percentage given the other partial percentage and the compound percentage are known.

The following obvious formula is used in this online calculator:

Compound % = (First %) * (Second %) / 100.

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